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Youtube Poop by Ambalizzy-0

YouTube Poop (commonly abbreviated to YTP) is a style of video that is considered to be a mashup of pre-existing media and editing it for the purpose of entertainment, humour, shock and/or confusion.

The first YouTube Poop video was uploaded by SuperYoshi, with the video titled "I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL'. That video is generally considered to be the very first YouTube Poop, and thereafter created a fad of people making this form of video.


YouTubePoop refers to randomly edited YouTube videos that have been titled as YouTube Poop (or YTP for short). The YouTube Poop News FAQ defines YouTube Poop as;

The current working definition is a video that has been made with appropriated footage and collage editing techniques to for the purpose of either annoying or entertaining viewers in the increasingly indifferent world of YouTube.

―YouTube Poop News FAQ

There is no hard and fast definition of YouTube Poop, and the argument over what is or isn’t poop has been a source of drama in the community. Recently, a more tolerant view has become the “official” stance of YouChew Poop.

The first YouTube Poop was uploaded on December 22, 2004. Although it didn't use the term YouTube Poop in the title, the video "I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL" by YouTuber SuperYoshi is considered to be the first YouTube Poop video.

Famous YouTuber Poopers

  • WalrusGuy
  • Deepercut
  • Stegblob
  • Kajetokun
  • Captpan6
  • Alvinytp
  • MexicanSunflower
  • DaThings1
  • cs188
  • EmperorLemon
  • KeeperOfBeans


Certain techniques are usually apparent in every YouTube Poop video. These techniques have been coined as Poopisms. They do not refer to the source material, but how the source material is treated. The techniques are as follows;

  • Ear Rape: Volume is maxed out and distorted. The intention is generally to annoy.
  • Stutter Loop: A short piece of video is looped in order to call attention or emphasize something.
  • Word Trim/sentence mix: Words are cut and rearranged, often to create profanity.
  • YTPMV (Classic): A sample is sequenced to an audio track to vaguely simulate something like “singing.”
  • YTPMV: Notes in source materials are pitch shifted to create a song.

